🇺🇸🦅🗽💥 Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) (BK’s Version) | Billykaren Beaufort

Billykaren Beaufort – Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) [Bk’s Version]
Listen to Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) [Bk’s Version] by Billykaren Beaufort.
| #music #musik #musica #musique #hudba #zene #Musikk #nipilersuut #fɔli #muzika #âmnhạc #מוּסִיקָה #երաժշտություն #ดนตรี #音乐 #음악 #音楽 #موسيقى #მუსიკა #музыка #μουσικη #संगीत #সঙ্গীত #సంగీతం #இசை #සංගීත #ಸಂಗೀತ #સંગીત #സംഗീതം
If #tRUMP turns the military on civilians, that is an act of treason in itself, and the #UnitedStates #military does not have to obey an order that is fundamentally illegal! I know plenty of our nation’s heroes that are on this side of the line he and #MAGA have drawn! #RESIST ✊🔷